Thursday, May 16, 2013


The village doctor leads a very hard and busy life. He gets up early in the morning, takes his breakfast and become ready for the day s work. He begins to attend the patients who gather at his dispensary. After finishing the work of examining the patients, prescribing and preparing the medicines, he goes out to attend the patients who are unable to go to his dispensary. He returns late in the afternoon finishing his daily round. Then he takes his meal and enjoys rest for the benefit of his own health. In the evening he again gets ready to his patients. He does not mind in attending a patient lying in critical condition during late hours of night.
Though the village doctor sometimes worsens the disease of patients, he is the most trusted perosn to the villagers. He is the best friend to the village people because they find him whenever they call him. He shares their weal and woe.

The village doctor is not so well off. He is satisfied with what he earns. He does not hanker after money. Medical treatment to the villagers is his noble mission in life. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. Though he is not much qualified, he is of great help to the villagers.

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