Saturday, May 11, 2013


 One of the most widely-discussed controversies of the day is whether students should take part in politics or not. The root cause this extraordinary state of things lies in the historical background of our struggle for freedom. Both in Bangladesh and India, students inherited a tradition of political activity of having borne the brunt of this sub-continents fight for independence.
Those who favour the participation of students in politics base their stand mainly on four arguments. Firstly, students of to-day being the citizens of tomorrow, it is necessary to give them some training in politics alongside their pursuit of study. This would go to make their education realistic and practical. Secondly, students have both a duty and a right to see that the country is governed well. Thirdly, students being the must selfless section of the population, their participation in politics ensure a better ensures a better service of national interests. It is they alone who can act as the unfailing friend of the people against corrupt and selfish politicians who otherwise are apt to realize their own end at the expense of the nation. Taking all these factors into consideration, they argue that students should be encouraged to take interest in politics.
Those who disfavour student-politics advance two arguments in the main. Firstly, politics being serious and exciting occupation is antithetic to the pursuit of study which requires coolness of mind. The two can never be done together without the former gradually absorbing the latter entirely. Secondly, to do politics in modern society, faced with complex national and international problems, is a hard job and calls for enough of experience and sagacity, tolerance and patience. It needs cool judgment, dispassionate approach to problems and tactful handing of complicated situations. All these and other virtues that make a true politician came with age and are hardly to be found in the youth, much less teen-aged students.
Both the views are vitiated by extremism. While there is not denial that the participation of students in politics may bear some to them and the society, the possibility of ultimate loss to both cannot be overlooked. It is also important to note that students may hardly remain impartial enough to check corrupt politicians and protect popular interests. More often then not, they have been found to be swept off by the tide off by the tide of catchy slogans raised by political parties. In that case, they only strengthen the hands of politicians for exploiting the masses with greater success.   

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