Sunday, May 26, 2013


I am a student and my career plan is to be a chartered accountant. I have never thought of becoming a politician. I am a politically conscious citizen of the county though I do not like politics. Rather recent dirty and bloody games of politics have made me apathetic to it. But I am also well aware of the fact that politicians lead the country and form the government. Whatever important things happen in the country are made by the politicians.
Things do not always turn out according to ones wish. So I might be a politician one day. If I were a politician. I would bring a qualitative change in politician and politician leadership. I would take initiative and corrective reforms to improve the stare of politics affairs.

If I were a politician. I would dedicate myself to the service of my people, stand by them in their weal and woes listen to their sufferings and miseries and try my best to remove the causes of their sufferings.
I know that political freedom is meaningless without economic freedom. Though Bangladesh has achieved political freedom, it has not yet achieved economic freedom. Majority of our people are poor and are deprived of proper education, nutritious food, healthcare and pure drinking water. So if I were politician and elected to the parliament, I would take practical and long-term measures to remove poverty, create more employment opportunity. speed up economic activities of the country, spread education and reach the benefit of governments development programmers to the doors of common people.

I know that to be a successful politician, people s support is a must. In democratic politics people hold ultimate power and elect their representative or reject them. So if I were a politician I would above all serve the people and use all my time and energy, knowledge and experience to improve their condition. I would never abuse my power and never wrongly use my position.

A real patriotic and dedicated politician can make history by bringing smiles to thousands of suffering faces. Politicians make history. If I were a politician. I would try to do something noble to be a part of history. I do not like cheap popularity. I would only do the right thing. I know that right decision, right work and right outcome would crown me with success. And what would be more right than doing welfare to people as a politician.

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