Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Bangladesh is a densely populated country. In comparison to her population the numbers of doctors are a few. So it goes without saying that the village doctor is a person of great importance. He is quite familiar to villagers.

The village doctor is not qualified. He does not have a good schooling. He takes the job of a salesman in a medicine shop or the works as a compo under a qualified physician. He also reads some medical books at home. Thus he gathers experience. He also masters the art of pushing injection, stitching and bandaging. Then he sets up a dispensary at a convenient place. His stock of medicine is very poor. His dispensary offers a poor show. There are two or three old almirahs in which he preserves his medicines. He has a poor wooden chair to sit on and a broken of poor quality. There is one or two benches for the visitors and patients to sit on.

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