Monday, May 13, 2013


Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her prosperity depends on agriculture. But the farmers of our country are illiterate. They have no knowledge about scientific method of cultivation. In this ease students can teach the illiterate farmers.

Bangladesh is an over populated country. Most of the villages of our country are illiterate. They are also superstitious. They have no knowledge about family planning. They are unwilling to accept family planning. In this regard students can render a good social service. They can explain to the illiterate village people the need for adopting family planning.

During natural calamities students can render better services. During floods and cyclones and famine students stand by the affected people. Students beg money from the rich, raise funds, rescue people, feed the hungry, nurse the sick and cloth the naked, During epidemics medical students and other students may serve the sick with proper food, cloth, medicine and other necessary things.

Students are the servants of society. They are the makers of society. They are the soldiers of social peace. They should serve the society without any selfish motive.

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