Sunday, May 26, 2013


I am a student and my career plan is to be a chartered accountant. I have never thought of becoming a politician. I am a politically conscious citizen of the county though I do not like politics. Rather recent dirty and bloody games of politics have made me apathetic to it. But I am also well aware of the fact that politicians lead the country and form the government. Whatever important things happen in the country are made by the politicians.
Things do not always turn out according to ones wish. So I might be a politician one day. If I were a politician. I would bring a qualitative change in politician and politician leadership. I would take initiative and corrective reforms to improve the stare of politics affairs.

If I were a politician. I would dedicate myself to the service of my people, stand by them in their weal and woes listen to their sufferings and miseries and try my best to remove the causes of their sufferings.
I know that political freedom is meaningless without economic freedom. Though Bangladesh has achieved political freedom, it has not yet achieved economic freedom. Majority of our people are poor and are deprived of proper education, nutritious food, healthcare and pure drinking water. So if I were politician and elected to the parliament, I would take practical and long-term measures to remove poverty, create more employment opportunity. speed up economic activities of the country, spread education and reach the benefit of governments development programmers to the doors of common people.

I know that to be a successful politician, people s support is a must. In democratic politics people hold ultimate power and elect their representative or reject them. So if I were a politician I would above all serve the people and use all my time and energy, knowledge and experience to improve their condition. I would never abuse my power and never wrongly use my position.

A real patriotic and dedicated politician can make history by bringing smiles to thousands of suffering faces. Politicians make history. If I were a politician. I would try to do something noble to be a part of history. I do not like cheap popularity. I would only do the right thing. I know that right decision, right work and right outcome would crown me with success. And what would be more right than doing welfare to people as a politician.

Thursday, May 16, 2013


The village doctor leads a very hard and busy life. He gets up early in the morning, takes his breakfast and become ready for the day s work. He begins to attend the patients who gather at his dispensary. After finishing the work of examining the patients, prescribing and preparing the medicines, he goes out to attend the patients who are unable to go to his dispensary. He returns late in the afternoon finishing his daily round. Then he takes his meal and enjoys rest for the benefit of his own health. In the evening he again gets ready to his patients. He does not mind in attending a patient lying in critical condition during late hours of night.
Though the village doctor sometimes worsens the disease of patients, he is the most trusted perosn to the villagers. He is the best friend to the village people because they find him whenever they call him. He shares their weal and woe.

The village doctor is not so well off. He is satisfied with what he earns. He does not hanker after money. Medical treatment to the villagers is his noble mission in life. His joys know no bound when he sees his patients recovered. Though he is not much qualified, he is of great help to the villagers.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Bangladesh is a densely populated country. In comparison to her population the numbers of doctors are a few. So it goes without saying that the village doctor is a person of great importance. He is quite familiar to villagers.

The village doctor is not qualified. He does not have a good schooling. He takes the job of a salesman in a medicine shop or the works as a compo under a qualified physician. He also reads some medical books at home. Thus he gathers experience. He also masters the art of pushing injection, stitching and bandaging. Then he sets up a dispensary at a convenient place. His stock of medicine is very poor. His dispensary offers a poor show. There are two or three old almirahs in which he preserves his medicines. He has a poor wooden chair to sit on and a broken of poor quality. There is one or two benches for the visitors and patients to sit on.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


In the past people used to live at home with their kith and kin with the advancement of civilization man now lives far from his families and relatives. So he has to remain anxious for news from near and dear ones. This demand has been met up through the introduction of postal system. Thus, the service of the postman comes into being.

The postman is employed by the postal department to deliver postal matters like letters, parcels, money orders etc to the addressees. In our daily life the postman is the most familiar figure. Everyday at a particular time he is seen passing through the streets. He is the most eagerly waited person. Our heart swells with expectation when we see him approaching our doors. He bring news from our near and dear ones living in home and abroad.

The postman renders invaluable service to us. He attends the office in time and performs his duties sincerely. If he fails to discharge his duties properly any day, it may cause irreparable loss to the persons concerned. In all weathers good and bad he performs his duty.

The postman starts his work in the post office. He opens the mail bag and sorts the letters and other postal articles. He hands over the outgoing mail to the runner. Then he starts for his own round.

But in the town the postman maintains an official air. He moves very fast from door to door and quietly drops the letters into the boxes. If he finds a house without letter box, he drops down the letters through the doors or windows. In delivering registered parcels, money orders etc, he calls the addressees.

The service of the post man is of great importance to us, but he is very much neglected. He is ill paid and can hardly make both ends. He is not held in due respect Proper steps should be taken so that he can maintain his family keeping his brain away from the fear of wants. He is a link all over the world. 

Monday, May 13, 2013


Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Her prosperity depends on agriculture. But the farmers of our country are illiterate. They have no knowledge about scientific method of cultivation. In this ease students can teach the illiterate farmers.

Bangladesh is an over populated country. Most of the villages of our country are illiterate. They are also superstitious. They have no knowledge about family planning. They are unwilling to accept family planning. In this regard students can render a good social service. They can explain to the illiterate village people the need for adopting family planning.

During natural calamities students can render better services. During floods and cyclones and famine students stand by the affected people. Students beg money from the rich, raise funds, rescue people, feed the hungry, nurse the sick and cloth the naked, During epidemics medical students and other students may serve the sick with proper food, cloth, medicine and other necessary things.

Students are the servants of society. They are the makers of society. They are the soldiers of social peace. They should serve the society without any selfish motive.