Monday, July 15, 2013


I am surprised to know that my younger sister who is a student of class 8 does not know how to make a cup of tea. I called her and taught her that a cup of tea is prepared in this way. First she is to put one and a half cup of water into a kettle. Then she will put the kettle over a stove until the water has boiled. Next she has to put two tea spoonfuls of tea leaves into the water. After then She should remove the kettle from the stove when the water has turned red. Finally she will pour the liquor into a cup through a strainer. She will also mix some sugar and milk with the liquor into a cup through a strainer. She will also mix some sugar and milk with the liquor and stir it until the sugar dissolves. But in case of lemon tea she has to add some lemon juice in stead of milk.

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