Saturday, July 27, 2013


If anybody wishes to fly by a plane, first he is to collect a ticket of the airlines he will travel. Then he is to arrive at the airport at least tow hours before the flight. Next he is to pay the travel tax, collect his boarding card and get his luggage checked. After that he has to face the security and immigration and wait in the lounge for boarding the plane. Finally he is to get on board the plane with the announcement of boarding.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Every student wants to do better in the exam. But it is not an easy work. A student is to do something to do better in the exam. To do so first he has to study regularly. From the very beginning he should be very serious and sincere to his studies. Then he should not neglect his studies. Then he should not memorize the answers without understanding. Next he should not learn answers by rote taking them from a common source. After that he should try to understand what he reads, make his own notes and revise them frequently. Finally he should have a fairly good command of the language. Sometimes he may find unexpected questions. He is to answer them off hand. But it is difficult to write good answer without preparation if his language is poor. By doing all these things student can do well in the exam.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


We should abide by some rules of health to keep fit. At first we should eat a balanced diet because a balanced diet contains all the food value. We should drink plenty of water. The kidneys are the body s filter. They can t work efficiently without sufficient water. After that we should remain neat and clean. Then we should go to bed early and rise early. Next we should take physical exercise regularly. It helps our muscles and nerves to work properly. It helps us to breath more deeply and get more air into our lung. It also helps the blood to travel all over the body and prevent constipation. Finally we should have plenty of rest and sleep. By following the above rules we can keep fit.

Sunday, July 21, 2013


My younger brother is a student of class 8. He wants to know how to write answers of the questions well in the answer scripts. I gave him some suggestions. First he should read the questions of the questions of the question paper again and tick those questions for answering which he has learnt well. Then he should select those questions of which he has not taken preparation well. Next he should answer the questions one by one according to his choice. He should also be very careful of time and his hand writing. After that he will revise the answers whether he has forgot to write any major point or done any sort of mistake finally before submitting the scripts he should check the answer script whether he has written the number of the questions properly.

Friday, July 19, 2013


If a group of people want to go on a picnic, they are to do these things. First they are to form a committee, choose a picnic and fix a date. Secondly the committee will be divided into some groups to do different kinds of thing such as fund raising, purchasing food items, hiring transports, cooking, arranging games, cultural programmer etc. Thirdly the committee will fix the amount of subscription through discussion. The members of the fund raising committee will collect the subscription from all the members within the fixed date. Fourthly the purchasing group will complete purchasing of all items and other groups will also do their assigned duties. Finally they will start for their picnic spot on the fixed day from a place fixed before.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


If anyone wishes to observe his birthday, he is to do these things. First he is to invite his to invite his relatives and friends. Secondly he is to decorate his house nicely. He will also put on his new dress. Thirdly arrange a birthday cake. Fourthly after the arrival of the invited guests, he will light the candle, can the cake in the middle of the song “Happy birthday to you” and serve the prepared delicious food to them. After the meal a short cultural programmer is arranged. Finally the guests leave wishing him many happy returns on the day.