Sunday, April 14, 2013


City life has more advantages then its disadvantages. That is why city life is always charming. It also attracts people from other areas, particularly from villages. There are certain charms or attractions that make city life enjoyable, comfortable and desirable. City life is furnished with modern facilities and also lost of better opportunities. City provides a fast and dynamic life, better earning scopes, improved medical facilities advances mode of transport and communication, better education, good sanitation and other services, recreational and cultural varieties, and most of all, better opportunities for job, business and trade.

City lives is racy and pack. A city has good road networks and rapid mode of transport and communication system. So city dwellers can move easily and quickly; and can keep pace with the rest of the world. Automobiles and private cars, buses and trucks, trains and airliners, telephones and Internets, all faster means of communication and transport have made city life faster, easier, and more comfortable. They have saved both time and money of the city dwellers and reduced their troubles and hazards.

City has many good educational institutions. So city get better scopes of education here. Almost all the good school, colleges, universities and other specialized institutions are situated in cities. Besides, a city has good educational

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