Monday, April 29, 2013


Rural development means development of village. Bangladesh is a land of villages. More then 80 percent of her people live in villages. So the importance of villages in politic is great. The development of the entire country depends on the welfare of these villages. So it is essential to keep the villages in a flourishing condition.

In our country rural development has various aspects. The most important of them are agriculture, education, communication, sanitary and health, cottage industries, fishery, co-operative societies community life etc.

A good communication is essential for the development of the villages. With this end in view our government has taken some practical measures. Many new roads have been constructed and many old and culverts have been repaired. There are also some pucker roads. Now-a-day we see that buses, auto rickshaws trucks, rickshaws etc move on the pucker roads in-the rural areas. Today farmers are sending their products to towns and cities.

Education is the backbone of a nation. Without education a nation can not prosper. It is education which illumines the soul, broadens the outlooks on life and dispels the darkness of ignorance. Bangladesh is a poor country. About 85% percent of her population live in village. They do not know how to read and write. We can not reach the peak of prosperity and progress until and unless we can remove the curse of illiteracy from the lot of our people. Our government is determined to free the nation from the curse of illiteracy within a very short time.

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Agriculture is the life blood of her economy, Again about eighty percent of our people are engaged in agriculture who live in villages, Even in this modern scientific age our agriculture is very backward. But at present it is a very happy news that our government has taken active steps and necessary measures for the progress of agriculture, such as supplying the farmers with modern scientific tools for cultivation, good seeds, fertilizer at a cheaper rate, agricultural loans on easy terms and many other things. Irrigation system has been improved.

As most of the villagers are illiterate, they have no knowledge of health and sanitation. Most of the villagers suffer from various diseases. But this miserable condition is changing slowly. Many hospitals, health centers, clinics and charitable dispensaries have been set up in rural areas to ensure health to the poor rural people.

Pure drinking water was very scarce in the past. People used to drink water from ponds. As a result they suffered from many water born diseases. Now-a-days every village has at least one or more tube wells.

Though eighty percent of our villagers are engaged in agriculture, a large number of them remain idle for the greater part of the year. They can be employed if the cottage industries are revived and developed. They can earn a decent living from them. The cottage industries can provide employment to a large number of people and in this way unemployment problem can be solved to some extent.

By raising more Poultry and cultivating fish more, we can develop our villages. Our government has paid much attention to these things. The poor villagers are given loan on easy terms. Many unused marshy lands have been brought under fish cultivation.

Through the development of the villages our country will reach the peak of progress and prosperity. Let us all come forward and work with concerted efforts to develop our villages.

Saturday, April 27, 2013


Library is a room or building containing books for reading or reference. In general sense, however, the emphasis is on the collection of books, whether stationed under a roof or not. Libraries are divisible into there kinds personal, pubic and institutional. The first type implies individual ownership and exclusive right of access. Private people of sufficient means, both out of thirst for reading and fashion, may collect a series of books on different subjects and place them in a corner of his residence or office. Such a collection is called his library. Private libraries of real quality and use were owned in the past by British Lords and Reminders and Maharajas of this sub-continent. In our country small-scale private libraries are possessed by solvent middle-class people, particularly lawyers, offices and educationists.

The second type that is public library is the order of the day. It is to be seen in large number in every country. A public library by its nature is open to the public in general. Accordingly, it contains books of different varieties and subjects with a view to responding to the varying need and taste of its readers. The primary function of a public of a public library is to land books but in any library worth the name there is spacious reading accommodation where readers may sit in solitude and study for hours together.

The third of the kind is the institutional library, as it may be called, because it is maintained by some institution a college, a university, a trade union, a chambers of commerce or a government department. Such a library is open to the members of the institution concerned.

It is never possible to describe the used of library in full. Man needs to read as he needs to eat. Reading not only strengthens his knowledge but also preserves his mental health and thus keeps him fit for the struggle of life. But none except a few can buy all the books he must read. As for the students and teachers, their occupational pursuits would be badly affected without the library maintained by their respective institutions. Gradually with the growth of the habit of reading, the reader develops the instinct of possessing at least some of the worthy books which leads him to book-shop.

Library has also other important uses. Without well-equipped library, whether public, private or institutional, research work is next to impossible. Because all the valuable books of all ages and the rare manuscripts and old records of the past can be maintained only by a library.
In consideration of these and other uses of the library, every nation aiming at the enrichment of its civilization should treat the organization of libraries with a high degree of attention. In short, an all-out drive should be launched upon to build up in the country a net-work of libraries and make arrangement of financial assistance that they may not be closed down in future for want of funds. 

Friday, April 26, 2013


Bangladesh is the darling child of Nature. She has rained her bounties on her loving child profusely. Bangladesh is blessed with so many natural gifts. Fish is one of them. For this reason fish is a common item of our food. But at present this fish is the only source of foreign currency. That is why fish currency. That is why fish cultivation holds a bright prospect for Bangladesh.
Bangladesh is the best suitable place for fish cultivation. Its soil and climate are congenial to fish cultivation, Bangladesh is a land of rivers canals, ponds, lakes, thank and big haors. Fishes live there. They breed and naturally grow there.

 In countries like Denmark, fisheries are regarded as an important trade. They have done a lot to improve his trade and are now earning large sums of money by selling fish to foreign counties. In our country fisheries have been badly neglected so long though we have an enormous supply of fish. Our government has taken necessary measures and proper steps for the improvement of fish cultivation. A separate department of fisheries has been opened. It is doing useful work to develop this trade and to improve the lot of the people who are engaged in this profession. Today the people who are engaged in fish cultivation are granted bank loans and supplied with necessary appliances.

Now a day’s fish cultivation is a very profitable business. People engaged in this profession are earning a lot. So today not only the common people but many education men, instead of running any risky business or rendering service, have taken fish cultivation as their sole profession. Fish cultivation is less risky and less hazardous. With the help of a little investment it is possible to earn a big amount. They need not flatter anyone or to take shelter of any falsehood.

The benefits of fish cultivation are too many to be describe. The people of Bangladesh like fish very much. It is next to rice. They cannot pass a single day without fish. It is very delicious and nutritious. Various delicious preparations are made of fish. They are cooked as curry or fry or kebab. Today fish cultivation is the most profitable business. It is a great source of income. The lion share or our foreign exchange is coming from fish. Fishing is a means of livelihood for many people in our country. There is a special caste class Hindus with whom fishing is hereditary occupation. Now a day not only the poor Muslims but also people of different classes have taken fish cultivation as their profession and the same time as source of their livelihood. It has gone a long way to solve our much talked unemployment problem.

There is no undisturbed blessing on earth. Everything has its dark side. So fish cultivation is not free from its dark side. It has got some demerits. Sometimes it is attacked by virus and sometimes falls victim to natural calamities. Again their are touts. brokers, who cheat the simple minded people engaged in this profession. Again many educated youth think fish cultivation beyond their dignity. There are not sufficient cold storages and ice factories.

Fish cultivation holds bright prospect in our country. It will go a long way to lead the country to the path of progress and prosperity.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Acid throwing is a serious crime. It is a heinous act of inhumanity. By throwing acid, the culprit takes revenge or satisfies some personal grievances or enmity. But in doing so, the criminal destroys the victim s life forever. The victim bears the marks of acid violence on his/her body. The victim suffers physical pain for a short time, but suffers mentally and psychologically for the whole life. Acid throwing thus destroys a dream, a hope, and a life. It brings suffering and anxiety to the whole family.
There are varied reasons for acid violence. Generally and mainly the cause is emotional or failure of a love affair, or refusal of a love or marriage proposal. In that case the victim is in most cases a girl or a woman. When a boy or man offers love or marriage proposal to a girl or women, and if he is rejected, he throws acid on the face whom he desired so much. By throwing acid, the rejected person satisfies his personal anger and vengeance on the girl or women. Often breakdown of marriage or demand for dowry also results in acid throwing. In this case also, the victim is generally a female. Besides, some other reasons of acid throwing.

An acid victim suffers for the whole life. S/he becomes a social outcast. S/he suffers from inferiority complex. A beautiful face, a smiling look and a lively person- all get destroyed by it. An acid victim suffers both psychologically and physically. If the acid throwing case is serious one, it burns the victim s body and face, and distorts his or her appearance. A beautiful face turns into an ugly one. Often the victim dies fighting for someday with death. But if the victim survives, his/her suffering continues for the rest of life. The survivor has to undergo long medical. Often s/he becomes physically invalid. S/he has to live depending on others. Thus the victim becomes a burden in the family. Acid throwing damages not only a person s body or face, but it destroy his or dream, a possibility and a life.

 Understanding the psychology of an acid thrower is important this crime. An acid thrower should be made to realize that he himself can be victim of acid violence and in that case his own life would be unbearable to himself. Again he should be made to realize that by throwing acid, he some revenge or satisfies personal anger but destroys a life, and bring suffering and woes to whole family. So psychological motivation is necessary to curd acid crime. Availability of acid must be removed. And a severe law punishing the acid thrower must be introduced. Look of family and lack of good parenting and family control is necessary to prevent it socially. The acid criminal should be boycotted socially and brought to exemplary punishment. Mass media can raise awareness among people about the horror and consequence of acid crime. The survivors should be rehabilitated and treated with love and sympathy. Social vigilance and familial watch can prevent this crime to a great extent.

It is hopeful that different private organizations, women s organizations and NGOs have come forward to prevent acid violence and raise awareness among people. As a result the case rate is decreasing. However, acid throwing is a social crime, and a social co-orientated efforts can curb the crimes as well as rehabilitate the victims. Guardians, parents and influential persons can play important roles in solving the feuds and quarrels before the incident incident actually happens.   

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Illiteracy of the general mass is one of the major ills from which our country suffers in common with other backward countries. It has been recognized as the birth right of every individual in a free sate. Mass ignorance defeats all attempts of progress and darkens the future of the nation. The sooner illiteracy is removed the better it will be for the individual and the community at large.

The schools we have at present are for children whose age ranges from 6 to 16. The syllabuses and the curriculum followed in these institutes are cast into a certain pattern and designed to prepare boys and girls for higher academic education in of whom are grown up men and women. Therefore, a new set of schools have to be introduced for giving education to these people. These may be called schools for adults. 

We have to keep within view certain facts regarding these education centers. Our population being very large, the number of these schools will have to be proportionately considerable-at least one in each locality of three or four villages. The adult education canters cannot aspire to have grand schools buildings. These schools will aim at imparting some elementary enlightenment along with a little better knowledge of the vocation the learners pursue. As most adults are busy earning their bread in the daytime, it will be convenient for them to attend schools if classes taken at night.

In this country only a small minority of the children get the opportunity of attending schools regularly. Number of schools in the village’s fall of what it should be. The existing schools are in such a deplorable condition that they beggar description. So a staggering number of school-going children stand in need of some facilities for rudimentary education. To that end compulsory and free primary schools should be started to accommodate these neglected future citizens of the country.

Mass literacy should never be confined to the three R`s. It must also aim at making the learners useful and capable of applying the new acquisition to the earning of their bread. Efforts should, therefore, be so planned and equipped as to be able to impart a large variety of vocational trainings. Thousands of our illiterate people are unemployed because they have neither any land to cultivate nor any finished knowledge of the arts and crafts. If such people can be taught various handicrafts, such as weaving, carpentry pottery, smother, caning as also trained in the handling of small machinery, their unemployment problem will be considerably solved. Over and above, mass education centers should take special care to impart knowledge of scientific agriculture, of health and sanitation and also give the learners some sort of civic training so as to make them fit for good citizenship.
To make the programmer of mass literacy successful, it is, therefore, essential to keep in view the question of removing the current appalling poverty of the masses.      


Monday, April 22, 2013


Bangladesh is on of the poorest countries of the world. Most people here live below poverty line. They cannot afford their basic necessities properly. Here the average family size is big. As many families have low income or less earners than eating mouths, they engage their children in various earning actives to supplement the family income. Thus child labour is on the increase. In fact, child labour has become a serious socio-economic problem of Bangladesh. It is a curse of our society, a satire to our development programmers.
Labour is a matter of dignity. But child labour is considered a matter of disgrace for a nation, because children are the family of a nation. If childhood is wasted in manual labour, and in shouldering the family need, if children are deprived of their rights to education and other privileges, they will not be able to lead the nation in future. In effect they become a long-standing burden on the nation.

There are certain causes of child labour. Poverty is the root cause. As poor people can hardly maintain their family and educate their children, the education of the children is stopped at an early age and they are forced to do various manual labour to support their family. Low pay is another cause of child labour. Often employers offer low pay for certain jobs which the grown ups do not do.

Child labour is a sad reality of modern urban and industrial society. Children are like flowers. At this age they are to go to school and there will be books and pens in pens in their hands. But the tough and cruel reality force many children to leave school or not to go to school at all. Instead they take up hammer, bosket, and handles of rickshaw or van in hands, remain unfed, half-clad, and bare-footed. Thus, their sad and heart-rending condition highlights only the distressed condition of the nation.

Child labours destroy the sweet period of childhood and face the children with the stark realities of life. Wherever children are employed either it is domestic work or factory work, either it is rickshaw pulling or working in a shop or hotel, they are abused maltreated, paid low and deprived of their due rights by their employer. Children work for longer period, suffer various mistreatments, work in unhealthy and unfavorable condition, and what is sorrowful, they are not given due wages. Child labour is cheap labour. Many children do the work of the adults, and other do risky and dangerous work, but they do not get any sympathy or love from anybody.

Govt. and NGOs should work together to root out this evil from society. For this, poverty alleviation programmer must be strengthened and widened. Govt. social security network should also be extended. Strict laws should be enacted and enforced against employing children in manual work. Govt. must ensure that children do not drop out from school and get the rights of education. The rich and able persons of society can also come forward in this regard.

Children’s work should never be desired in a society. Bangladesh is conforming to UNICEF say yes to children” programmer which includes 15 things for the children. We must try to maintain that and ensure peaceful, careful, and secured world for our children. Otherwise we will have to suffer in the long run caused from this social problem.   

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Illiteracy means inability to read and write. Illiteracy is a cure because it is illiteracy that lowers down human being to the level of beast. Illiteracy is compared to darkness because it darkens individual s vision, outlook, behavior and in a word, all aspects of life. It is the root cause of ignorance, superstition, backwardness, poverty and many more.

Poverty is the main cause of illiteracy and vice versa. Similarly, underdevelopment causes illiteracy is the cause of underdevelopment. The are other causes too. Over population, financial and resource constraints, people s superstition and negative attitude about education, lack of awareness etc, are responsible for illiteracy.

Illiteracy generates hundreds of problems. Because of illiteracy people do not know how to earn well and how to spend well. As a result they can not come out of their poverty trap. Many do not have knowledge about food and nutrition. So they suffer from various kinds of diseases. In a word illiteracy is the cause of poor socio economic condition, high mortality rate, low life expectancy, child labor and child marriage and high rate of population.

Illiteracy frustrates all developmental programmers of the government. Again in order to improve the poor condition of the illiteracy people, govt. has to spend a huge some of money on different programmers. This affects other sectors and hinders long term development of the country.

Population of a country is termed as its human resources. The educated and skilled manpower of a county is its great asset. But if the people are illiteracy, they become a great burden for the country. Illiterate people cannot contribute much to the social and economic development of the country.     

As illiteracy is the root cause of all evils. It should be the number one agenda of govt. Though govt. has taken various measures like making primary education free and compulsory, girl’s education up to higher secondary level free and the highest allocation for education in our national budget, still the measures are inadequate. Govt. must ensure that the money is being utilized properly and effectively. Govt. need to set up more educational institutions, make reading materials cheap and available, and grantee employment after completing education. Again private sectors, NCOs academician and patrons of learning should come forward to spread the light of education in every house. We have also to make our people aware of the importance of education. Medic can play a great role in this regard.
Reducing of poverty is the most effective way of removing illiteracy from society. So govt. must work in co-ordination with others to fight poverty and increase literacy rate.

The present illiteracy rate is still high in our country. That is why we are lagging behind in all respects then many other nations. If we want to build a happy and prosperous nation, if we want to stand in honor and dignity among the nations of the world, and if we want to develop our living condition, we must remove illiteracy from the country.    


December 16 is our victory day. On we achieved our ultimate victory over Pakistani occupation forces and achieved our independence. On this day, a new, sovereign and independent country named Bangladesh with its own identity, own flag and own status came into being. Bangladesh stood upright among the nation of the world after a ninth month long bloody struggle and sacrifices of people. So this bay is a red letter day in our national history.
Long standing exploitation, injustice and deprivation from due political, economic and administrative right and privileges were the root causes of discontentment and resentment of the Bangladeshis against the ruling West Pakistani leaders. Matters grew worse when in the general election of 1970, the Awami League came out victorious defeating the ruling Muslim League, and achieved absolute majority in the parliament. But the then authorities of West Pakistan were dilly dallying to hand over power to the elected East Pakistan leaders. They were plotting a blue print to massacre the Bengalis. On the night of December 25, the Pakistani forces launched an atrocious and barbarous attack on the innocent and sleeping Bengalis under the Operation Searchlight By killing the innocent people of Bangladesh they were trying to subdue the spirit of independence of the Bengali, their voice for justice and rights.
    But the heroic sons of this soil stood against the Pak-army with valour and indomitable spirit for liberaty. They fought against the Pak-army to free their beloved country. On March 26 Bangladesh declared independence and appealed to international community to recognise Bangladesh. In the mean time, people of all walks of life joined the liberation forec. After a nine-month long struggle, and crossing a sea of blood, we gained our freedom on December 16, 1971. On that day, the park-army surrendered to the Liberation army at the race-course ground. Thus we achieved our glorious victory.

Since then December 16 is being celebrated as our victory day. We observe the day with great excitement and jubilation, with colorful festivity and patriotic zeal. This day is a public holiday. Our national flag is kept flying on top of every private and public houses and offices, school, colleges and universities. We offer wreaths to the victory monuments. Govt offces and building are decorated and illuminated on this day. Many cultural programmers and festivals are held thought out the country. people from every walk of life attend those programmers with great excitement and enthusiasm.

Our victory day is a landmark event in our national political history. The day is the perpetual source of our inspiration and also inspires us to sacrifice ourselves for our beloved country. The day is a clear warning for the oppressors that people s right can never be neglected for long, and that oppressors will always be defeated.

Bangladesh is our pride, and our victory day is our greatest achievement as a nation because, through this victory we have got a country, a flag, an identity and an invaluable treasure of our own. However, though we have got political freedom, we have not yet got economic freedom. And so, we must take on victory day that we will make our country independent in all respects. Only then our victory will be achieved in the true sense of the term.          

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


English is a global language. For various resinous English has got status of International Language. In today s world of information technology and hi tech communication, learning English is a must. English is important for other reasons also.
The present age is an age of globalization. Anything produced or invented in any part of the world gets global character or recognition very rapidly. To keep pace with the process of globalization, we need to learn English. Conversely, the globalization process requires single language for international communication. For various reasons English has achieved the presting of global language. As a result, it has crossed the national borders of English speaking and reached people who speak other languages. English is no longer a unique possession of the British or American people, but a language that belongs to world s people.

Today about 300 million people speak English as the first language and another 350 million use it as a second language. It is the official or semi official language in more than 60 countries and of many international organization International organization held their meeting in English.

English is widely spoken all over the world. When people of two different languages meet or need to communicate, they resort to a third language for better mutual communication and understanding, English for its widespread use and acceptance plays the role of the common language well. That is why English is called Lingua Franca or common language.

Today importance of English needs no explanation. English is important for a number of reasons:

English is used widely by international business community. To communicate across national borders and to maintain correspondence with overseas business parities or professionals, English is essential.

English is important for higher education and specialized training. Most of the books on any subjects are written in English or quickly translated in English. English is the medium of instruction in Education in most universities and higher education institutes of the world.
English is essential for getting a good job and better salaries. Multinational business organizations and many international corporations ask for people who have a good working knowledge of English. Even job advertisements in local market also require English knowing people who go abroad for work also need to know English. English is needed for a variety of job-air hostess, pilot, travel guide, media manager etc.

English is important for maintaining international relations and communication. It is the language of diplomacy, international politics and meetings and conferences.

In today s world of information superhighway, English is essential for getting easy access to any information. Almost any information is available in English is the language of information technology and internet.

English is important for access to world media and Entertainment, Satellite channels around the world telecast news and views in English. Games and sports are telecast live and their commentaries are also broadcasted in English. Cinemas, cartoons, and other media production are available in English.

Knowing English gives an easy access to the vast resource of English literature. World s famous book, novels, histories, stories, poems are available in English helps to know about cultures of other people, discoveries, inventions and life styles of other nations.

The importance of English cannot be denied. Knowing English is like having an international visa. Anywhere in the world English is useful and helpful. So learning English is very important.   

Sunday, April 14, 2013


City life has more advantages then its disadvantages. That is why city life is always charming. It also attracts people from other areas, particularly from villages. There are certain charms or attractions that make city life enjoyable, comfortable and desirable. City life is furnished with modern facilities and also lost of better opportunities. City provides a fast and dynamic life, better earning scopes, improved medical facilities advances mode of transport and communication, better education, good sanitation and other services, recreational and cultural varieties, and most of all, better opportunities for job, business and trade.

City lives is racy and pack. A city has good road networks and rapid mode of transport and communication system. So city dwellers can move easily and quickly; and can keep pace with the rest of the world. Automobiles and private cars, buses and trucks, trains and airliners, telephones and Internets, all faster means of communication and transport have made city life faster, easier, and more comfortable. They have saved both time and money of the city dwellers and reduced their troubles and hazards.

City has many good educational institutions. So city get better scopes of education here. Almost all the good school, colleges, universities and other specialized institutions are situated in cities. Besides, a city has good educational

Monday, April 8, 2013


 Press includes print media newspaper and magazines. Freedom of press denotes an atmosphere in which media-professionals like journalists, reporters, correspondents, editors and columnists can work and publish what is true and fact without fear or any threat. Freedom of press is an important precondition of a democratic and free society. In most countries of the world, freedom of press is guaranteed by the constitution.

As an important means of public media, newspaper holds and exerts immense influence on people. Freedom of press means newspapers can print news and views without being censored or barred by any authority. When press enjoys freedom, it indicates that the press can publish on any issues without facing any restrictions or prohibition. But it dons not mean that this freedom is absolute and arbitrary. Newspaper cannot publish whatever they wish, rather they should publish things that are constructive for the society or the country, and should refrain from publishing any propaganda or biased news and any thing that can harm society or state. So press must realize the meaning and scope of its freedom, otherwise their power can into an instrument of great public harm and damage.

Press is called the fourth pillar of a state. And newspapers are rightly called people s parliament. Newspaper and journals give us current picture of life, of things happening every moment. Today right to information is considered one of the fundamental rights of a civilized society, and free flow of information is also vital for building a corruption free, accountable and transparent society. Newspaper or press serves people with providing information. Hence their freedom is necessary in order to keep people informed of the affairs going around. Otherwise, people remain in the dark and in that case, confusion, corruption and abuse of power hold firm in the society.

Realizing the far reaching impact of freedom of press and how it can pose a big challenge to abuses of power, corruption, and monopoly or vested interests of any group, power-holders, despotic government, dishonest politicians or businessmen deny press of its freedom and whenever press become threat to their narrow party or personal interest, they attempt to stop its voice. So, an undemocratic society, a despotic or tyrannical ruler, monopolized corporate, or dishonest politicians all create obstacles to freedom of press because they see the freedom of press as destructive to their uninterrupted misdeeds and wickedness.

Freedom of press is the emblem of a civilized and enlightened society. Only a true pro-people government can ensure freedom of press. However, there should be monitoring body to ensure both the proper use of this freedom and also to see that this freedom is not misused. Press should be prevented from publishing baseless false and yellow news. They cannot publish distorted and actives news and cannot harm any person or institution by attacking by them on an ill-motivated interest. So, Govt. must ensure freedom of press at same time its proper and positive use for the county and the countrymen.

A free press plays the role of a watchdog in society or country. Their influence is to great, so their role is also immense. And that is why freedom of press is also necessary in order to know what is right, what is true and fair. Only a free press can ensure people s access to information and help to build a well-informed, transparent and accountable society. Press, for its part, as a conscientious body of the society, should not misuse its freedom.         

Sunday, April 7, 2013


 Every nation has some achievements that they can take pride in. Our language day is our national event and achievement. But the matter of pride for us is that this national event has crossed our national boundary and become universalized. The International Mother Language Day is the recognition movement and the heroic sacrifices of the language martyrs by the international community. Now, after the recognition, our language day is observed globally as international mother language day.

February 21st is observed as the language day. This day is the culmination of a series of protest and events that took place between 1948 and 1952. After the independence of Pakistan the ruling authority of West Pakistan recognized Urdu as the state language of Pakistan in 1948 and tried to impose it on the Bangle-speaking majority people. Not only that they also demand of the Bengalis for the recognition of Bangla as the language.

In 1952 protests erupted throughout East Pakistan the imposition of Urdu and for the recognition Bangla as the state language of Pakistan. The ruling authority imposed section 144 all over the county as the protest grew stronger. However, when students, politicians and general masses brought out a procession in Dhaka University area defying the section 144, the police charged fire on the procession. As a result, Rafiq, Jabbar, Salam, Barkat, Shafiq met martyrdom. Finally, Bangla was recognized as the state language. Since then, the day is observed throughout the country with solemnity and due homage.

On 17 November 1999, UNESCO, a specialized organization of United Nation (UN) recognized our language movement and sacrifices of the Martyrs. They declared that UNESCO would observe the day internationally. Since 2000, the International Mother Language Day is being observed all over the world. The recognition by the UNESCO and the observance of the day by the international community has increased our national glory and uplifted the sacrifices of our language martyrs. Through UNESCO recognition, our language day has got international status.

The recognition of our language day and the proclamation of the observance of the day internationally are very significant. UNSCO s recognition is not simply recognition of our language movement, but it recognizes that it is the birth right of every nation or race to speak in their own language. The proclamation also said that this recognition would help to preserve all the languages of the world, and that diversity of languages is important to maintain cultural identity and distinction.

Since 1952, the 21st February is observed as the language day in our country. We remember our martyrs their sacrifices and pay homage to the heroic souls who laid down their lives for the cause of our mother tongue. We have erected monuments (know as Shahid Minar) in remembrance of them and on 21 February we offer flower wreaths and stand silent in honor of them.

However, the importance of 21st February and its observance lie elsewhere. It is a sow the seed of our liberation war. And importantly, the language movement teaches us that we have to rise for achieving our rights, for establishing our place of honor and dignity in the world. It teaches us not to bow down to any oppression. It also inspires us to sacrifice our most treasured thing for the sake of the country. So the importance of International Mother Language day is very significant.