Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tree Plantation

Since the dawn of civilization man has a close relation with nature. Man has made friendship with nature helps us in many ways. Similarly trees are closely related with our life. They are our friends. Trees play an important role in our life and economy.
Bangladesh is a lower riparian country. Upper levels are the best suitable places to plant trees. Sea beaches and low-lying unused lands can be used for tree plantation. There are many roads and highways in our country. We can plant trees on the both sides of these roads and highways. Again in the villages there are many proper places which can be used for tree plantation. The sides and areas that are lying unused can be used too.
June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Tree plantation programmed should be expended to the remote corner of the country. The officers connected with this programmer should take proper steps and needful measures to make it a success. They should try to make it popular all over the country. They should come forward with their best knowledge. Most of the people of our village are illiterate. They have no knowledge about the importance of trees. Attempt should be made to make them aware of the importance of trees.
Trees are our best friends. They are a great source of food and vitamins. There are various kinds of fruit trees. They give us various kinds of fruit which are rich in food value and vitamins. They meet up our local demands. They also meet up our vitamin deficiency. As a result people can keep their body fit and sound by taking fruits. Again we export fruits to many other countries and earn a lot of foreign exchange.
Trees are our constant companies in our day to day life. We use them for various purposes. We can not think of our homes, houses, residence etc. Without trees. We use trees to make furniture, windows, doors for our domestic use. Again valuable furniture is made from there trees. We sell some pieces of valuable furniture to foreign countries. Thus trees add beauty to our dwelling places.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rivers of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a land of rivers. The health, wealth and happiness of Bangladesh depend on her rivers. There are many bin and small rivers. The Padma, the Meghna, the Jamuna are the big and wide rivers. The Buriganga, thr Sitalakshya, the Dhaleswari, the Teesta, the Madhumati, the Gumati and the Karanfuli are small rivers. Most of the rivers of country rise from the Himalayas and fall into the Bay of Bengal.
The rivers are the source of our the source of our wealth. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. The prosperity of agriculture depends on the rivers. These rivers have made the soil fertile. So rice, jute, tea and other crops grow in plenty here.
Our rivers abound with fish. Fish is an important wealth. Our fishermen catch a huge quantity of fish and export to foreign countries. Thus they earn a lot of foreign countries. Thus they earn a lot of foreign exchange. Fish is our main item of food.
The rivers of our country are the main ways of communication. Boats, launches and steamers move on these rivers in all seasons. Men and goods are carried from one town to another, from one part to another. All these are possible only for river communication.
Most of the cities, towns, industries, hats, bazars, trade-centres are on the bank of rivers. The products of mills, factories and industries are easily carried to different places through rivers. Raw materials from far and near can be carried easily to our industries. Thus our rivers help in commerce, trade and industry.
Some of our rivers are source of energy. This energy helps our industries. Some of the rivers are used to produce electricity. Goalpara and karnafuli hydro-electric projects are used to solve electricity problem.
The rivers have a great influence on the people of our country. We love the rivers, its water and music. The rivers have made us emotional and sentimental. Much of our joys and happiness depend on rivers.
The rivers have influenced many of our writers and poets. Many rivers have found expressions in the writings of Rabindgranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul Islam, Michael Modhusudhan and Jasimuddin. Some of the Bengali novels have been named after our rivers: Padma Nadir Manjhi and padma Promatha. Our artists and painters like Jainul Abedin have been much influenced by our rivers. Shari, Bhatiali and Murshidi are the expressions of our village peoples love for rivers.
Sometimes the rives cause great damage to our life and property. In the rainy season the rivers overflow their banks and cause flood. People suffer untold sufferings.
In spite of the little harm, the river are useful to us in many ways. They are the source of our wealth.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fruits of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is the darling child of Nature. She has made her child rich with various fruits. Our soil is very fertile. So many kinds of grow in different seasons all over the country. The fruits are not tasteful and delicious but also rich in food value. Every house in Bangladesh grows various kinds of fruits.
Fruits are of different kinds, colours, sizes and taste. Some are big and some are small. Some taste sweet and some taste sour. Some are solid and some are juicy.
Mango is the king of fruits in Bangladesh. It is the fruits of summer season. There are many varieties of mangoes. They are Langra, Fazli, Gopalbhog, Mohanbhog etc. These mangoes are famous for taste, flavors and sweetness. Fazli is also famous for its size and sweet taste. Mangoes grow in plenty in Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Borga.
The jack fruit is the biggest fruit in our country. It is also a summer fruit. It is delicious and sweet to taste. It is green in colors inside is yellow. It has a rough and prickly skin. Inside the skin the fruits are found to be composed of many flakes.
Each of the flake contains a stone. Jack fruit grows in plenty in hilly areas of Chittagong  and Sylhet and in the high land of Dhaka. Narsingdi, Mymensingh and Comilla. It is our national fruit.
Banana is another popular fruit in our country. It grows in our country. It grows in plenty throughout the whole year in all parts of our country. There are many kinds of bananas such as the champs, the sabri, the amritsagar. Amritasagar of Dhaka and Sabri of Mymensing are the best, Banana is delicious and nutritious. The green plaintain is eaten as vegtables. Banana has high demand throughout the year.
The coconut is another delicious fruit. It is a common fruit. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh but in plenty in the district of Khulna, Barisal, and Patuakhali. Its sweet and cold water quenches our thirst in hot summer. Its kernel is a tasty food.
The pine apple is another good fruit. It is a fruit of rainy season. It growa in plenty in Sylhet. It is full of sweet juice.
The lichi is another good fruit. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh but plenty in Rajshahi, It is very sweet. The lichies of Rajshahi are most famous. Children are fond of lichies.
The orange is another good fruit in Bangladesh. It is juicy and tasteful. The orange is good for liver. It grows mainly in the district of Sylhet. The papaw is also a good fruit. It is delicious and nutritious. It is also good for liver. It grows everywhere in Bangladesh. The palm is also a well known fruit in Bangladesh.
Among other fruits, black-berries, dates, plums, melons, and guava are very well known. They are also good fruits. Children are fond of black berries. The watery juice of melons is cool and refreshing. Guavas contain sufficient amount of vitamins.
There are some fruits that taste sour. They are called sour fruits. The tamarind, the kamranga and the lemon are sour fruits.
Fruits are useful in many ways. The fruits are not only sweet, delicious but also nutrition’s. Fruits meet up our demand for different vitamins. Many families in Bangladesh grow various kinds of fruits. sell them in the market and earn a lot of money. Some fruits are also exported to foreign countries to earn money. Besides, various kinds of tonic, syrups, jams and jellies are made from the juice of fruits. Salads and sour conserves are made from sour fruits. Seasoned prickle is also made from fruits.
Fruits grow in plenty in Bangladesh but many fruits are rotten for want of proper care and processing systems. We should grow more fruits so that we can earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting them. Fruit culture and fruit taking can ensure our national health. So our government should come forward to take proper steps of processing system and. encourage people to grow more fruits.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Flowers of Bangladesh

Everybody loves flowers. A flower is a thing of beauty. A thing of beauty is joy for ever.
Bangladesh is the darling of Nature. She has decorated her darling child with her various. Flowers are one of them. Bangladesh is a land of flower and beauty. Flowers lend small, beauty, charm and colour and to the land. Various kinds of flowers bloom all the year round.
There are different kinds of flowers. They differ in size, shape, colour and small. Some are red, some are yellow, some are green, some are white, some are pink and some are multicolored. Some flowers are seasonal and some grow all the year round. Some flowers are scented and are scentless.
The rose is the best of all flowers. It is called the queen of flowers. It grows everywhere in all seasons. People like the flower for its sweet scent and beauty.
Spring is the king of seasons. Colorful flowers bloom in this season. Krisna chura .palash and shimul are spring time flowers they are red in colour and grow everywhere in bangladesh. The champa is also a spring time flower. it is golden colour.
The sheoli is the queen of autumn it grows everywhere in Bangladesh it is small in size it is where in color and looks very charming. Marigold is the flower of winter. It is of various colors, shapes and sizes. It is yellow and golden in color and looks beautiful.
Some flowers bloom in water. The Lotus and the Lily grow in watery places. They look very beautiful. Sapla is our national flower. It grows everywhere in plenty. It is white pink. Kalmi also grows in watery places.
The Jui, Beli, Kamini aer white flowers. The sun flower blooms in the rainy season. The Karabi, Chameli, Dalia, Jasmine and many other flower grow in Bangladesh.
We love flowers for their beauty and scent. They are symbols of beauty and purity. We use flowers as a token of love, respect and gratitude. We use flowers. The bride chamber is beautifully decorated with flowers. We receive our guests, dignitaries with garlands and bouquets of flowers. We get honey from flowers. We get rose water and otto from the rose.
Flowers are the most beautiful objects of nature. They have made our country beautiful. So we should take care of flowers.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Birds of Bangladesh

Our dear Bangladesh is a beautiful country. It is a land of forests and trees, hills and vales, rivers marshes and canals, wide open meadows. It has got a moderate climate-neither too hot nor too cold. So this land is a happy abode of different kinds of birds. Birds have increased the beauty of our county. We sleep at night and rise early in the morning hearing the sweet song of different birds.

There are different types of birds in our county. They are different in color, size and habit. They eat different kinds of food. Some birds eat fish and flesh; some live on warms and insects, some on fruits and grains, some on filth and garbage’s. Birds are divided into many classes. They are teasing birds, song birds, rapacious birds, game birds, migratory birds tailor birds.

Crows and kites are teasing birds. The crow is a very common bird in Bangladesh. It is very. It steals away the food and other small thing from our kitchen and from the hands of the little babies. It looks ugly. Yet it is useful. It feeds on dead animals and dirty thing. It has a harsh voice. The kite also steals away chickens, fish and pieces of flesh.

There are many song birds in Bangladesh. The cuckoo is the most popular of all song birds. It comes to our country at the beginning of spring. Small boys and girls try to imitate a cuckoo when it sings. It hides itself behind leaves. The shyma, the doel, the koel and the baukatha-kao, the nightingle are well know song birds. Doel is our national bird.

The parrot, the mayna, the chandana, the cockatoo and the martin are called talking birds. People tame them for their sweet voice and they can talk like human being if they are trained.

There are many game birds in our country. They are famous for their tasty flesh. The partridge, the dove, the pigeon, the snipe, the bittern, the heron, the teal, and the pankauri are most well know game birds.

There are some fish eating birds that live beside the watery places. They eat small fish. The crane, the heron and the kingfisher are fish eating birds.

There are some birds of prey in our country. They are the vulture and the hawk. They mainly live on flesh and fish. These birds have keen eyes and sharp nail. They swoop down upon their prey. The vulture eats upon dead animals.

There are some birds that build their nests with great skill. We wonder at their work. They are called tailor birds. The swallow, the tuntuni and the babul are tailor birds.

There are some birds that come out at night. They are called night-birds. The owl and the bat are of this kind. These birds do no come out in broad daylight. We hear the owl prowl at night. It is harmless. The bat feeds on fruits. It flies at night.

Many birds come from foreign land in our country during autumn and winter. They are also famous for their flesh. They increase the natural beauty of our country for the time being.

There are many other common birds which we find here and there. We do not know the name of many birds. The wood pecker is a fine looking bird. It makes hole in the tree. Pea-cock is also a beautiful bird.

The pigeon, the hen the cock and the duck are domestic birds. They provide us with flesh and eggs. Many families in our country make poultry farm and earn a lot of money.
Birds are our natural wealth. They are helpful and useful to us in many ways. They do many good to us. Birds eat many dirty things and keep the environment clean. Therefore, we should not kill birds at random and we should take proper care of them.