Sunday, June 30, 2013


I am a student and my career plan is to be a chartered accountant. I have never thought of becoming a politician. I am a politically conscious citizen of the county though I do not like politics. Rather recent dirty and bloody games of politics have made me apathetic to it. But I am also well aware of the fact that politicians lead the country and form the government. Whatever important things happen in the country are made by the politicians.
Things do not always turn out according to ones wish. So I might be a politician one day. If I were a politician. I would bring a qualitative change in politician and politician leadership. I would take initiative and corrective reforms to improve the stare of politics affairs.

If I were a politician. I would dedicate myself to the service of my people, stand by them in their weal and woes listen to their sufferings and miseries and try my best to remove the causes of their sufferings.
I know that political freedom is meaningless without economic freedom. Though Bangladesh has achieved political freedom, it has not yet achieved economic freedom. Majority of our people are poor and are deprived of proper education, nutritious food, healthcare and pure drinking water. So if I were politician and elected to the parliament, I would take practical and long-term measures to remove poverty, create more employment opportunity. speed up economic activities of the country, spread education and reach the benefit of governments development programmers to the doors of common people.

I know that to be a successful politician, people s support is a must. In democratic politics people hold ultimate power and elect their representative or reject them. So if I were a politician I would above all serve the people and use all my time and energy, knowledge and experience to improve their condition. I would never abuse my power and never wrongly use my position.

A real patriotic and dedicated politician can make history by bringing smiles to thousands of suffering faces. Politicians make history. If I were a politician. I would try to do something noble to be a part of history. I do not like cheap popularity. I would only do the right thing. I know that right decision, right work and right outcome would crown me with success. And what would be more right than doing welfare to people as a politician.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Cinema is the popular name for motion-picture which is made of a integrated series of innumerable photographs projected with the help of light on a celluloid screen. When sound is introduced along with the projection, the pictures reflected on the screen are found  to talk and sing. Such pictures are called talkies. Cinema is, in fact, the result of optic delusion.

No other invention of science has evoked so sharp difference of opinion than cinema because nothing else is so evenly divided between good and evil. Cinema is useful immensely useful to all classes of people, young and old, rich and poor, duffer and intellectual. But cinema also cam be immensely harmful and lead a whole generation of man to the dogs. It all depends, however, on how it is organized and for what purposes motion-pictures are utilized.

A right kind of motion picture with an edifying theme is an invaluable source of delight and recreation which is so essential for mental and physical health. We get recreation also from other sources-books, radio and the stage. But none else can give it so thoroughly. nor can absorb the mind so completely. That is why thousands and thousands throng around the cinema halls every day.

Cinema has also great educative value. Only the literate section of the people has access into books and papers. But all without exception can enjoy a cinema show and learn therefore. Besides, as the motion-pictures teach through entertainment, the mind receives the lessons quickly and easily.

They turn up for sheer recreation and return unknowingly with a lot of instruction too. What an admirable method of teaching indeed. If properly organized, films can yet become more perfect agencies of teaching all subjects of human study-literature, philosophy, science and economics and so on. He who has once seen the picture of Macbeth by Shakespeare or Caesar and Cleopatra by Shaw know much better of both the books than he who has read them even twice or thrice. Fall of Berlin” is a better history of the Russo-German fight during the World War II then any book needing days together to read. Similarly, if a government want to propagate a scheme or even to inculcate a lesson of health, there is nothing on which it can depend more than the screen.

But the cinema has as well a dark side as it has a bright side. At times and not infrequently, cinemas ignore higher and motives in order to appeal to the vulgar taste of the multitude. Designed primarily to return the investment several times, producers often make their pictures too vulgar for any man of taste to see-throwing in silly romances, absurd situations, corrupting songs and vulgar dances. Such pictures demoralize society as a whole, particularly the young. Censor Boards are always there and exist in all countries. But their scissors have so far failed to cope with the producers crafty brains.

In order to prevent the evils of cinema and to harness it to the higher needs of society, every country should have a board of cultured men with high powers to cheek the production of unhealthy pictures. Instead of subjecting pictures to post-production censor, the story, the sceneries and the outlines of songs and dances should be got approved by that board. In short, every conceivable measure should be taken to ensure that the power of the cinema may not be used to used to reap individual profit at the cost of social morality.

Friday, June 28, 2013


 I am a rickshaw-driver and popularly know is `rickshawala’ in our part of the world. That is the name by which I am called. Sometimes passengers shorten my title and call out Halloo, rickshaw’ as if I am the vehicle that I ply. But I know what they mean and at once rush to their service. I cannot afford to have any false sense of vanity either.

I am poor but not miserable. I suffer poverty but no unhappiness. I fell proud to earn my living by the honest sweat of my brow. I thank my star that I am not a thief.

I driver a there-wheeled vehicle that you call `rickshaw’. I do not own my carriage yet but hope to buy one in the near future. Nonetheless I love the `rickshaw’ that gives me an honorable living. I love it with the care of a father and always ply with caution and tenderness. I keep it neat and tidy and protect it from rain and son.

Shall I tell you a bit of my daily life? Yes, let me tell you. You may find it somewhat interesting. I rise quite early in the morning, eat my poor but pleasant breakfast, and go out with my there wheeled car. At times I have to paddle a long way off before I get a passenger. As the sun rises higher and higher, my trouble increases. How difficult it is, after all to drive along several mounds of weight with no stronger things than two human legs. And often I have to run for miles without any income. But on the whole my income is good. After meeting the dues of the cruel, I am left enough to feed my family except on rare occasions when natural calamities disturb my work. Usually I work from morning to sunset, with a break in the midday for lunch. Generally after a long trip. I rest for a while and take some repast.

I have a home- a small but loving home where I live with my loving wife and beloved children. When I go out in the morning, my children see me off at the door. When I return home in the evening they receive me on the adjacent road. They rush out of my small cottage as soon as they hear the sound of my bell. As I go in with them, my living wife receives me with a smile and then sits by me fanning off my fatigue. Shortly, afterwards we all eat our dinner together and go to bed rather early.

But on top of all my joys I have a permanent fear which robs me of much of the relish of life. I have no security. I am now young and energetic and can keep off starvation by the power of my muscles. But what will happen when I grow old? Who will feed my children if I fall sick or die of an accident? Whenever I think of these problems. I find no reply. But I depend on God and believe firmly that He will give me and my family the protection we deserve.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


In a city there are more opportunities for work and employment. There are many offices, industries and factories in a city.

There are more school and college in a city. So there is better scope of education.

In a city people get more and better medical facilities then the people of village. In a city there are more hospitals and clinics. There are more qualified doctors in a city.

Science has made the world smaller. It has invented and discovered many means and ways of communication. So communication has become easier. In a city people can communicate with one another over telephone, telex, fax etc, through less inconvenience.

In a city people need not go to a distant place on foot. There are various types of vehicles in a city by which people can reach a place earlier and faster with less trouble.

People in a city have more scope of practicing art culture and literature. There are more cultural centre and literary clubs.

Since most of the people in a city are educated, they get more opportunity to cultivate their intellect.

In a city people enjoy more recreational facilities. There are many cinema halls, theatres, clubs, parks etc.

In a city domestic life is more comfortable. Women need not go to bring water, to collect fire wood etc. to light kerosene lamp etc.

In a city people enjoy more civic facilities. They get everything at their hand.

There is no unmixed blessing on earth. Everything has its merits and demerits. Similarly city life has some demerits then merits.

Air is more polluted in a city. It gets polluted in many ways. People can not breath in pure air. Besides this, there are water pollution and sound pollution.

In a city the standard of living is costlier and higher. People of limited income lead their life through much hardship. The price of things are very higher.

More violence and crime take place in a city. The criminals not hesitate to commit crime, violence, killing, hijacking and so many crimes and anti social activities.

Life in a city is more unsecured. People have no safety and security. Less scope of enjoying of natural beauty. He cannot enjoy the wide open sky above, and the green fields, beautiful flowers and murmuring streams on the earth below. He cannot hear the sweet songs of birds.

Sometimes people in a city get stuck in a traffic jam and as a result they suffer more.

There is less scope of getting fresh things. In a city there is adulteration (Bn/Ju) in every thing.

He is always in a hurry as if some invisible demon, the demon of materialism, drives him on with a whip in hand. In short, life here is so artificial that man soon loses his divine origin and become almost a machine.

Above all, a city is a veritable university for men who like to acquire wisdom from observation and experience. Someone has truly said: “If you would be know and not know, live in a village if you would known and be unknown, live in a city.