Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Co-Curricular Activities

The true aim of education is the harmonious development of body, mind and soul. But mere bookish knowledge is not enough. Without co-curricular activities the full blooming of body, mind and soul is quite impossible. Co-curricular activities include debate, publication of magazine, cultural activities such as singing, dancing. The fact is that co-curricular activities are part and parcel for the full flourishment of the talents of the students. Co-curricular activities bring out the best and the latent latent talents of the students. They provide ample opportunity to develop their faculty. Again games and part and parcel of study because without a sound health a student health a student can not concentrate on his study. We all know the fact that health is wealth. Games and sports pave the way of building sound health. Moreover, co-curricular activities help the students to foster good will. They teach students to be polite, modest, gentle, loyal, diligent and perseverant. They also tighten the bondage of friendship and brotherhood among the students.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


 Advertisement means making a thing known to the public. It has become a fine art. Its purpose is to draw the attention of the customers. It establishes a link between the producers and the customers. A customer can know about the quality and price of a thing through advertisement. Advertisement has become an important part of modern business life. Different countries of the world are being brought closer through advertisement. There are many ways and means of advertisement. We see advertisement in papers, magazines, periodicals, journals, on the screen of television and cinema. We hear advertisement in the radio. Again some use lights and some use pictures for advertisement. Sometimes jokers pass through streets with strange dress for advertisement. Besides there are advertising firms and agencies. Some advertisements are obscene and vulgar. Measures should be taken to stop such kind of advertisement. However advertisement is a part of modern civilization.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Good Governance

Good governance means good rule. It is a pre-requisite for all kinds of kinds of developments of our country. A country cannot reach its cherished goals. achieve its success and solve its multi-furious problems for want of good governance. It is a must for any nation-any country. It help the full flourishment of a country. It helps a country to go forward with its development programmers. It contributes most to the all round development of a country. Good governance depends on some factors. The factors are enlightened people, practice of true ideal of democracy, transparency, and accountability, a good electoral system, honesty etc. First of all the people who will be at the helm of power must be enlightened. They must be free from any kind of evil. They must be true democrats. They will cultivate the true ideal of democracy. They must keep in mind that they are working for the welfare of the country and the countrymen. The state administration. Good governance cannot be thought of without accountability. The enlightened people who will be entrusted with the onerous duty of running the administration of the country must be responsible to account to the people for their activities. In this way there are many factors which shape and design governance for the welfare of a country and its countrymen.

Monday, September 9, 2013


How are the elders related to our society? Why shouldn’t they be neglected? How many elderly people do you have in your locality? How will you get money? What will you do for them with the money? What will you do for them with the money? What type of help can we offer them other then financial help? How can you involve other persons in this type of activities?
Elders are also a part of our society. Human beings are born as baby on this beautiful world and after a certain period of time they become elder in the society. By the way of their lives they play several important and vital parts that give too many benefits for the next generation. So the older persons should not be neglected anyway. They were the strength of our civilization. In every locality there are lots of older persons. In my locality the number is not small. I want to do something for them. I course of time I will raise a fund for the welfare of the older persons. By this fund I will establish an older person in. All the helpless older people of my locality will be able to stay there free of living cost. Medical treatment cost etc. With the help of my locality s well-to-do people I will provide them all kinds of human right. For their recreation and reminiscence, I will arrange gathering for them. We are young generation. So we are the greatest power of the society. We can spread our helping hand to elders. Whenever they are in any kind of trouble, we can come forth to help them. If they can’t cross a road, we can give them current information of world of the world. We can include them in our working opportunity. Social awareness can be raised for the older persons. We must treat them as they treated us when we were helpless babies creeping upon the earth.

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Corruption means dishonest or illegal behavior especially of people in authority present in our country. There is hardly anyone who is not well acquainted with the very word “corruption”. Today each and every government sector of the country is rotten to the core because of the widespread practice of corruption by the people who are at the helm of power, by the officers, by the clerks and so on. The country has topped the list five times from the view point of corruption. However there are many reasons behind this galloping corruption. Thirst for power, pelf, wealth and money is the root cause of corruption. Greed, avarice and dishonesty, nepotism and favoritism also contribute to the cause corruption. The consequence of corruption has a far reaching negative effect on socio-economic condition of our country. It has made the country a bottomless basket. It has corroded the economy, retorted the economic growth and baffled the various, development programmers. By practicing corruption the corrupt are growing richer and richer and the poor are becoming poorer and poorer. The widespread practice of corruption should not be allowed to go uncontrolled. The corrupted people should be brought down with an iron rod. It should be checked, controlled and prevented at any cost so that the country get rid of this national malady and see the ray of hope of development and the people not involved in it can heave a sigh of relief and hope for the best and better days. They should be rewarded with due punishment. Even their wealth and money can be confiscated and they may be meted with life long rigorous imprisonment. The mass media, the papers magazines, journals, articles and above all the consciousness of the enlightened people can play a vital role in curbing the galloping corruption. Now is the proper time to raise voice, take necessary steps and punitive measures against the corrupted society.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


Like the people of all other profession a teacher has got some duties to perform daily. He gets up early in the morning and does his morning work. After completing morning work he takes academic preparation. If he is English teacher, he reads the text very well, learns the meaning of the difficult words and makes notes on important matters. When it is time for school, he starts for the school. If he is a class teacher, he takes the register to call over the rolls. In the class room he tries his best to present everything in very lucid and simple English. Sometimes he supplies notes to the students. During the off time he reads English newspapers, magazines, grammar books, dictionary etc. He corrects and modifies the notes made by the students. At school he does various work and spends a busy time. When the school breaks up he comes back home. At night again he reads the English text book and takes a good preparation. Thus a teacher passes his daily life.